SCUBA VBS Crew Leader Training

Thank you for being such an important part of our team! As a crew leader, you will have a group of up to 5 kids to take to the activities each day.

In order to be fully equipped to have the best experience possible while helping kids “dive into a friendship with God,” please take some time to go through this training session.

How SCUBA Works

Please watch the video below for an overview of “How SCUBA Works.”.

Crew Leaders

As their Crew Leader, you will:

  • Be a friend and a helper

  • Be responsible for drawing kids into discussions as much as possible

  • Be someone who offers kids choices

  • Be someone who asks questions

  • Be someone who encourages kids

  • Be someone who helps and encourages Station Leaders

Each crew will carry a crew bag with teaching highlights, supplies, helpful hints, schedules, and attendance sheets. Each day there will be new information in the bags which we will preview during our daily morning huddle before VBS begins.

Please watch the “Crew Leader Training” video below for more specific ways on being a successful Crew Leader.

VBS Changes in 2024

If you have helped with VBS in the past, you will notice some changes in the program this year.

  1. We have a new station called “Sticky Scripture.” This station will help kids understand and learn how to use the Bible in active and fun ways.

  2. There is a new format for Imagination Station. Instead of kids assembling a “gizmo” to take home, each crew will do their own science-y experiment to help demonstrate the Bible point for the day.

There are also some small differences to the PCC VBS Program in 2024.

  1. Preschool and Kinder crews have snacks in their area instead of with all the kids.

  2. Preschool and Kinder crews are with all kids at the opening and closing.

Important Resources

Please click the buttons below to download a few important resources to help you as you lead your crew.


Thank you for taking the time to participate in the SCUBA VBS Crew Leader Training! In order to ensure all of our leaders have been trained, please fill out the form once you have completed it. Thank you!

Thank you! You’re all set!